A Guide on Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that increases the size of the breast, its shape, or fullness. To achieve this, the surgeon inserts saline, silicone or alternative composite breast implants under the breast tissue or chest muscles. Alternatively, the surgeon may augment the breast volume with fat, a procedure known as fat grafting or lipofilling. The average lifetime of the implants is between 7-12 years depending on their type and quality.  The following are reasons why a person may opt to have breast augmentation.

  • To enlarge the size of small or underdeveloped breasts.
  • To restore symmetry to asymmetrical breasts.
  • To restore breast shape and size after a pregnancy or weight loss.
  • To restore breasts after a medical surgery.

Studies have shown that women that have had breast augmentation boost their self-esteem and their feelings about sexuality. It is important to know that the procedure alone cannot entirely correct severely drooping breasts. Sometimes the doctor will recommend a breast lift to be done in conjunction with augmentation to restore the breasts completely. It is therefore important to be specific during the consultation process of what results you will want after the surgery.

Type of breast implants used during augmentation.

  • Saline breast implants: These type of implants are filled with sterile salt solution. Should the implant's shell leak, the solution will be absorbed by the body and expelled naturally. The implants are preferred as they give the breasts a uniform shape, feel, and firmness.
  • Silicone breast implants: As the name suggests, these implants are filled with silicone gel. If the implant leaks, the gel either remains in the implant shell or moves into the implant pocket. These implants are preferred over the saline implants because they do not collapse.
  • Gummy bear implants: These type of implants contain highly cohesive silicone gel thus making them firmer and thicker compared to traditional silicone gel implants.
  • Alternative Composite implants: These implants are filled with either soy oil or polypropylene string.

After the surgery, you will be admitted for a day or two for observation. During the first week, you may feel sore or stiff in the chest region in addition to your breasts feeling sensitive or itchy.

Depending on the results a patient wants, saline, silicone gel or alternative composite breasts implants can be used during the augmentation procedure. If you feel your breasts sag, the breast augmentation is a sure way to restore them and boost your esteem. For more information, contact establishments like Panthea Clinics.

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About Me

How Diseases Are Diagnosed and Treated Hello! My name is Bobby and I am a 66-year-old man who lives alone in Melbourne Australia. I am in pretty good health at the moment but over the last couple of years, I have had several medical conditions which needed professional attention. I am not a big fan of going to the doctors, but this time I got lucky and was assigned to a really friendly nurse who explained exactly what was going on during the diagnosing and treatment of my health problems. I learnt lots of useful things so I decided to ask my grandson to help me start this blog so I could share my knowledge with other people.



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